Next stop, prime factorization

Judging from my web server logs, I’ve achieved infinitesimally minor fame by being enshrined in the gallery of stupid XSL tricks for my square root nonsense. Recently, some guy emailed me:


I don't know if you are still interested in a set of XSL stylesheets for standard math functions but I wrote several before I found the website. I have: Square Root (similar to yours), Log, Log base 10 (calls Log), Sin, Cos.


I bow before superior XSL greatness.

Aside: Does paid LJ have some decent search-my-own facility? I find myself having to grep backups from time to time since Google doesn’t index many of my entries.

2 Replies to “Next stop, prime factorization”

  1. Re: searching your journal


    I never can find these things. I guess I should read the LJ features community or whatever it is called.

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