More filler

I noticed some HTML5 crossword construction apps have sprung up over the last year, so I no longer have first mover status on that. Also their UIs are generally better and I dislike UI work, so it seemed reasonable to join forces. Thus, I sent some PRs around.

It was surprising to me that the general SAT solver used by Phil, written in C compiled to asmjs was so much slower than a pure Javascript purpose-built crossword solver (mine). I assumed the SAT solver might make certain search optimizations that could overcome the minor optimizations related to mine being only a crossword solver. So, yay, my code is not that bad?

In these apps the filler runs as a web worker so even when slow it isn’t too noticable (except for hogging a core).

Anyway you can try out my filler today with Kevin (filler code is here, which is exactly the code in my own app except with some janky whitespace because I stripped out all flow annotations).