Residences updated

My wife is officially a permanent US resident, yay!! Also, I am officially a Marylander. As I was sitting in the DMV the other day getting plates, they had this moronic LED ticker thing going. With earth-shattering up-to-the-minute news such as: “Did you know? The moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite. There is no life on the moon. The moon is the brightest object in the night sky — however it does not give off its own light. The moon reflects the sun’s light.”

Meanwhile, I’d like to take a second to thank the internets for finally updating neomail, and for fixing ‘In-Reply-To’, adding S/MIME, and being able to handle user-defined folders. Now I can realize my dream of replying to mailing list stuff (filtered by procmail into separate mboxes) from work without breaking the threading like a noob.

2 Replies to “Residences updated”

  1. Re: Congrats! Welcome to Canada’s pants!

    Heh, thanks to you, I know all the words to ‘Why does the sun shine’ without having ever heard it…

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