Kites flown

Saturday was perfect weather for the 40th Annual Smithonian Kite Festival. AC and I relived our youth on the Washington Monument grounds, getting my pair of kites up into the air with various levels of success. AC proved superior at piloting, managing to get the hard-to-fly spinning diamond to the end of its tether, 150 feet up, and the froggy kite to somewhere in the 200 ft. range. Unlike our Pakistani counterparts, for whom kites are apparently illegal, we tangled lines with other freedom-loving fliers sporting dragonflies, airplanes, fish, monkeys, boxes, rings, and multifarious other shapes. Much fun was had.

After lunch, we strolled over to the Sackler museum where they are currently hosting a Hokusai exhibit. You might recognize the “Great Wave” (left) from the cover of half a dozen computer science books. If you do, then you are a nerd. Just saying. Yeah, I am.

Mason in the Final Four? Are you kidding me? The ACC sucks.

6 Replies to “Kites flown”

  1. Awesome. We have something in common now. Yellow fever! My boyfriend is Chinese. She going to teach you another language (as if you needed another one on top of programming)? 🙂

  2. Aw, not fluent in any other languages? Guess I’m spoiled. Pat tries to teach me Cantonese but so far all I’ve picked up are the cuss words and food.

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