
Last night I went to Baltimore with Wizz and Newman to watch Steve Vai in all of his completely over-the-top vainglory. That’s not me being harsh, that’s just his shtick: the guy even has a fan on stage to blow his long flowing tresses about. As Brandon put it, “wardrobe changes, interpretive dance, homo-erotic guitar sharing, what more could you want?” Well, for all that, the guy definitely has skills. Pictured above-left is one of the highlights of the evening: Vai and other masterful guitarist / keyboard player Tony MacAlpine trading licks behind someone’s gargantuan head. TMAC’s shirt said “I trip over my wiener” and there’s a picture of a dachshund. The show closed with a jam number including special guest Mike Keneally aka Hat Guy, bringing the total number of guitarists on stage to five.

One thing is clear: I need a guitar with LEDs in the fretboard.

I left my wallet in Brandon’s car, and didn’t feel like going back over to retrieve it at 1:30 AM last night. This brought up an interesting problem: how do you get to work the next day if Metro costs $5 and you have no money or no obvious way to get money? The answer: Coinstar! Though, it just might be a good idea to keep a couple twenties in the house in case that ever happens again.