Fake Wireless Errors

When I did my previous work with mac0211_hwsim, I wrote the channel model in matlab and pre-generated a huge lookup table of frame error rates for different SNR values and transmission rates so that the simulator didn’t have to do any thinking for each packet. Obviously that’s a bit limiting and not in any way upstreamable in something like wmediumd.

So, I sat down today and rewrote it in C to see how bad the computation is. Actually, it’s not awful: I didn’t carefully benchmark it, but it sits at around 30 µsec per calculation, and there is probably a good deal of low hanging fruit such as making factorial() cache its computations, or fitting the output curves with cubics. I stuck the initial code on a wmediumd topic branch over here.

I verified the output matched my matlab code and charted it as above. Careful observers will note the 9 mbps rate is always worse than 12 mbps; this was a finding of D. Qiao and S. Choi in “Goodput enhancement of IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN via link adaptation,” in Proc. IEEE ICC01, from which most of my math was appropriated.

Simulating Wireless

A Study of 802.11 Bitrate Selection in Linux (January 2010).

I didn’t think too much of this paper when I wrote it as a term project in grad school. As an academic paper, it doesn’t really present anything novel. The equations underlying my wireless medium simulation, for example, are wholesale lifted from sources. In the few academic papers still being written on the subject, rate controllers that do not specifically look at collisions are old news (even though Minstrel tends to get loss differentiation implicitly through the magic of probability). Even at the time, looking at non-QoS 802.11 DCF and only 802.11a rates made the whole exercise a bit dated, and the world has definitely moved on in the intervening years. The paper did, however, find a few flaws (or perhaps over-exuberances) in Minstrel’s multi-rate-retry mechanism that may still be unfixed upstream, and many more flaws in PID (one I fixed upstream, but it is still not usable). I wanted to go back and redo the physical experiments before submitting patches to Minstrel, but life intervened.

However, I’ve recently been talking to the good folks at cozybit, who picked up where I left off by creating wmediumd (which does more or less the same thing but in a more polished fashion). There were still some things in my version that wmediumd lacks today, so I’m posting the paper to give it a slightly wider audience. I’d be interested to hear of any glaring flaws in the model or approach. Given time, I’d like to bring those missing features (namely, signal-level-based loss, and optional transmission time simulation) to wmediumd and repeat the experiments there.

As for the fixes to Minstrel, the basic theme is reducing the number of retries to avoid backoff, since at some point it is better to drop packets and send the next batch at a lower rate rather than retrying for tens of ms. This patch (untested) addresses one of the two points I mentioned in the paper. The other fix, to compute the backoff time per-slot, was an über-kludge in my experiments; I’ll have to see if there’s an upstreamable way to do that. Pretty much everyone (even for pre-11n devices) is using Minstrel-HT now, so it would be worthwhile to refresh and see if the issues were carried over there as well.

Packet Timing

Continuing with the charting theme, I wrote a quick python script yesterday to generate timing diagrams from pcap files while learning matplotlib. It’s just at the proof-of-concept stage but could be useful to debug things like power-saving in wireless. Surely something like this exists somewhere already, right? I couldn’t find it in the Google.

Along the way I had to write a python radiotap parser; that might actually be useful to others so I’ll try to put it on github at some point.

Graphing HBase Splits

I was asked for a blog post on this topic. I also do birthdays!

HBase achieves balance by splitting regions when they reach a certain size, and by evenly distributing the number of regions among cluster machines. However, the balancer will not run in some cases (e.g. if there are regions stuck in transition), and balancing the number of regions alone may not help if region sizes are not mostly the same size. If a region server is hosting more regions than the others, requests to that server experience higher latency, and batch (map-reduce) jobs take longer to complete due to parallel skew.

At $work we graph these data hourly, and here’s how we do it.

First, we run the following JRuby script from cron. [Note: I’ve been advised (thanks ntelford!) that HServerInfo is gone in newer releases and you now need to get HServerLoad via ClusterStatus.getLoad(server_name).]

# This ruby script dumps a text file of region sizes and the servers
# they are on, for determining balance/split effectiveness.
# Usage: hbase org.jruby.Main region_hist.rb
include Java
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerInfo
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerLoad
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin

def main()
    conf = HBaseConfiguration.new()
    client = HBaseAdmin.new(conf)

    status = client.clusterStatus
    status.serverInfo.each do |server|
        server_name = server.serverName
        printed_server = false

        load = server.load
        rload = load.regionsLoad
        rload.each do |region|
            region_name = region.nameAsString
            size = region.storefileSizeMB
            puts "#{server_name}t#{region_name}t#{size}"
            printed_server = true
        if !printed_server then
            puts "#{server_name}tNONEt0"


The script generates a flat file with server name, region name, and region
store file size fields:

c1.example.com,60020,1333483861849  .META.,,1   2
c2.example.com,60020,1333484982245  edges,175192748,176293002,1331824785017.fc03e947e571dfbcf65aa16dfd073804    1723

We then process this through a pile of Perl (I’ll spare the details) to generate several other data files. First, there’s a flat file with a sum of region sizes and region count per table:

server  -ROOT-  -ROOT-  .META.  .META.  edges   edges   ids ids verts   verts   userdata    userdata    types   types   stats   stats   topics  topics  topics_meta topics_meta maps    maps
c1  0   0   0   0   51041   41  0   0   27198   12  0   0   0   0   585 2   0   0   0   0   0   0
c2  0   0   0   0   49260   40  3501    1   20090   10  0   0   0   0   772 3   0   0   0   0   0   0

Next, for each table, we generate a file showing the total size of each region:

1   230
2   510
3   1200

The first column is just a line numbering. The region sizes are sorted to make the final chart easier to read.

From there we use gnuplot to generate a histogram of the regions by numbers and by size, and then a per-table chart of the region size distribution. The gnuplot file looks like this:

set terminal png
set key invert reverse Left outside
set key autotitle columnheader
set boxwidth 0.75
set xtics nomirror rotate by -45 font ",8"
set key noenhanced
set yrange[0:*]
set style histogram rowstacked gap 1 title offset 2, 0.25
set style data histogram
set style fill solid border -1
set output 'hbase-fig1.png'
plot 'load.dat' using 3:xtic(1), for [i=2:11] '' using 2*i+1

set output 'hbase-fig2.png'
plot 'load.dat' using 2:xtic(1), for [i=2:11] '' using 2*i

set ylabel "Store Size (MB)"
set xlabel "Store"
unset xtics
set output 'hbase-fig3.png'
plot 'splits_edges.dat' using 2:xtic(1) title 'edges'

Here’s the end result (I changed the server and table names but this is otherwise real data):

In the above figure, we can see there’s a good balance of the number of regions across the region servers. We can also easily see which servers are hosting which regions, such as the important, but small, -ROOT- and .META. tables. So far, so good.

In this image, we see that the total size is not very well balanced: server c13 has a lot more data than the others. Taken together, these graphs indicate that our regions are not all the same size. The next image shows this more dramatically.

Here we see that around 60% of our regions for this table are smaller than 1 Gig, and the remaining 40% are split between 1-2G and 2-4G sizes. We would rather see a baseline at 2G (half the max region size), and the midpoint around 3G assuming evenly distributed splits. In our case, we had increased the region size of our largest table late in the game, so there are a ton of small regions here that we should try to merge.

Seeing the regions at a glance has been a useful tool. In one case, we got a factor of 8 speedup in a map-reduce job by re-splitting and manually moving regions to ensure that all the regions were evenly distributed across the cluster — the difference between running a job once a week vs. running it once a day.

Orders of magnitude

I had a Hadoop map-reduce job that kept timing out, which led to this interesting discovery:

$ time ./json-parser-test.py

real	0m0.205s
user	0m0.152s
sys	0m0.032s

$ time ./json-parser-test-no-speedups.py

real	0m2.069s
user	0m2.044s
sys	0m0.024s

$ time jython ./json-parser-test-no-speedups.py

real	79m59.785s
user	80m23.709s
sys	0m14.441s

Moral: use Java-based JSON libraries if you have to use Jython and JSON. Also, Java sucks.

Parsing HRegionInfo in Python

I’ve been doing a fair amount of HBase work lately at $work, not least of which is pybase, a python module that encapsulates Thrift and puts it under an API that looks more or less like the Cassandra wrapper pycassa (which we also use).

When running an HBase cluster, one must very quickly learn the stack from top to bottom and be ready to fix the metadata when catastrophe strikes. Most of the necessary information about HBase regions is stored in the .META. table; unfortunately some of the values therein are serialized HBase Writables. One usually uses JRuby and directly loads Java classes to deal with the deserialization, but we’re a Python shop and doing it all over thrift would be ideal.

Thus, here’s a quick module to parse out HRegionInfo along with a few generic helpers for Writables. I haven’t decided yet whether this kind of thing belongs in pybase.

I’m curious whether there is an idiomatic way to do advancing pointer type operations in python without returning an index everywhere. Perhaps converting an array to a file-like object?

import struct

def vint_size(byte):
    if byte >= -112:
        return 1

    if byte <= -120:
        return -119 - byte

    return -111 - byte

def vint_neg(byte):
    return byte < -120 or -112 <= byte < 0
def read_byte(data, ofs):
    return (ord(data[ofs]), ofs + 1)

def read_long(data, ofs):
    val = struct.unpack_from(">q", data, offset=ofs)[0]
    return (val, ofs + 8)

def read_vint(data, ofs):
    firstbyte, ofs = read_byte(data, ofs)

    sz = vint_size(firstbyte)
    if sz == 1:
        return (firstbyte, ofs)

    for i in xrange(0, sz):
        (nextb, ofs) = read_byte(data, ofs)
        val = (val << 8) | nextb

    if vint_neg(firstbyte):
        val = ~val

    return (val, ofs)

def read_bool(data, ofs):
    byte, ofs = read_byte(data, ofs)
    return (byte != 0, ofs)

def read_array(data, ofs):
    sz, ofs = read_vint(data, ofs)
    val = data[ofs:ofs+sz]
    ofs += sz
    return (val, ofs)

def parse_regioninfo(data, ofs):
    end_key, ofs = read_array(data, ofs)
    offline, ofs = read_bool(data, ofs)
    region_id, ofs = read_long(data, ofs)
    region_name, ofs = read_array(data, ofs)
    split, ofs = read_bool(data, ofs)
    start_key, ofs = read_array(data, ofs)
    # tabledesc: not about to parse this
    # hashcode: int

    result = {
        'end_key' : end_key,
        'offline' : offline,
        'region_id' : region_id,
        'region_name' : region_name,
        'split' : split,
        'start_key' : start_key,
    return result

IP level up

I’ve changed hosting providers this week, and my new host provisions IPv6 addresses.  Thus, I’ve published an AAAA record today.  The world’s most boring website will survive the IPv4 apocalypse.

WordPress also gained an update, but the importer forgot all settings, tags and categories.  I’ll go back and fix those someday.

Update: someday is now.  I’ve also picked last year’s theme and otherwise modernized the place.  Resume party.  Also, the header image is a pic I snapped of a piece of Eniac.  It’s partially full of tubes.

How I nearly cracked it

Here’s my methodology for part 1 of the Can You Crack It puzzle.

(Spoilers below)

eb 04 af c2 bf a3 81 ec  00 01 00 00 31 c9 88 0c
0c fe c1 75 f9 31 c0 ba  ef be ad de 02 04 0c 00
d0 c1 ca 08 8a 1c 0c 8a  3c 04 88 1c 04 88 3c 0c
fe c1 75 e8 e9 5c 00 00  00 89 e3 81 c3 04 00 00
00 5c 58 3d 41 41 41 41  75 43 58 3d 42 42 42 42
75 3b 5a 89 d1 89 e6 89  df 29 cf f3 a4 89 de 89
d1 89 df 29 cf 31 c0 31  db 31 d2 fe c0 02 1c 06
8a 14 06 8a 34 1e 88 34  06 88 14 1e 00 f2 30 f6
8a 1c 16 8a 17 30 da 88  17 47 49 75 de 31 db 89
d8 fe c0 cd 80 90 90 e8  9d ff ff ff 41 41 41 41

Anyone who has stared long and hard at x86 hexdumps before will immediately think “I know this, this is an intel system!” The value 0xdeadbeef in little-endian format is a dead-giveaway, as are the 0x90 (NOP) instructions. I know a couple of ways to go from a block of machine code to the corresponding code. One way, like scripts/decodecode in the kernel, is to make a .S file with .byte directives, assemble it, and run objdump over the object file.

Here’s another way, and what I did at first: create a .c file like so, and compile it:

$ cat foo.c

unsigned char x[] = { /* list of hexes here */ };
int main()

$ gcc -g -o foo foo.c

Then, load it up in gdb and disassemble as if it were a function:

$ gdb foo

gdb> disas x

That procedure yielded some interesting bits of hand-coded assembly, but at this point I had no idea what it did. I cleaned up the code a bit and added labels to arrive at a listing like the following:

    jmp l1
    scas %es:(%edi), %eax
    ret $0xa3bf

    sub $0x100, %esp
    xor %ecx, %ecx

    mov %cl,(%esp,%ecx,1)
    inc %cl
    jne loop1

    xor %eax, %eax
    mov $0xdeadbeef, %edx

    add (%esp,%ecx,1),%al
    add %dl,%al
    ror $0x8, %edx
    mov (%esp,%ecx,1),%bl
    mov (%esp,%eax,1),%bh
    mov %bl,(%esp,%eax,1)
    mov %bh,(%esp,%ecx,1)
    inc %cl
    jne loop2
    jmp l2

    mov %esp, %ebx
    add $0x4, %ebx
    pop %esp
    pop %eax
    cmp $0x41414141,%eax
    jne quit
    pop %eax
    cmp $0x42424242,%eax
    jne quit
    pop %edx
    mov %edx,%ecx
    mov %esp,%esi
    mov %ebx,%edi
    sub %ecx,%edi
    rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
    mov %ebx,%esi
    mov %edx,%ecx
    mov %ebx,%edi
    sub %ecx,%edi
    xor %eax,%eax
    xor %ebx,%ebx
    xor %edx,%edx

    inc %al
    add (%esi,%eax,1),%bl
    mov (%esi,%eax,1),%dl
    mov (%esi,%ebx,1),%dh
    mov %dh,(%esi,%eax,1)
    mov %dl,(%esi,%ebx,1)
    add %dh, %dl
    xor %dh,%dh
    mov (%esi,%edx,1),%bl
    mov (%edi),%dl
    xor %bl,%dl
    mov %dl,(%edi)
    inc %edi
    dec %ecx
    jne loop3

    xor %ebx,%ebx
    mov %ebx,%eax
    inc %al
    int $0x80

    call func1

    .byte 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41

The first thing I looked at was the int 0x80 call. This is how (well, one way) you make a system call on Linux. The %ebx register is always zero, and %eax is one. This handy website shows that such a syscall results in a call to sys_exit(). Thus I added the label quit to this bit of code.

At a high level, we then have a loop at loop1 that initializes some data on the stack; loop2, which performs some unknown calculation on that array; func1, a function which itself performs another loop. A close inspection reveals that func1 uses the output of loop2 as an input, along with data at the end of the program, beginning with 0x41414141.

Deciphering loop2 is an interesting exercise. The initializer creates a 256-byte character array with sequential values from 0 to 255. Then it uses the value 0xdeadbeef to generate an index in %eax, which is used here:

    mov (%esp,%ecx,1),%bl
    mov (%esp,%eax,1),%bh
    mov %bl,(%esp,%eax,1)
    mov %bh,(%esp,%ecx,1)

This is a swap operation, so after 256 iterations, the array will have been permuted. This looked to me like some kind of random shuffle, with 0xdeadbeef as a seed, but I was unfamiliar with its actual purpose. I wrote a C version just to make it clearer:

int firstpart(unsigned char *x, size_t len)
    int i;
    unsigned char tmp, a = 0;
    uint32_t d = 0xdeadbeef;

    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        x[i] = i;

    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        a += x[i] + d;
        d = (d >> 8) | (d << 24);
        tmp = x[i];
        x[i] = x[a];
        x[a] = tmp;

Likewise, the func1 was doing some kind of shuffle, and xor-ing the result with another block of data. This screams crypto to me, but I still didn't know exactly what func1 was doing. I wrote a C version:

int second_part(unsigned char *x, unsigned char *y, size_t len)
    unsigned char a = 0;
    unsigned char b = 0;
    unsigned char tmp;
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        a = i+1;
        b += x[a];
        tmp = x[a];
        x[a] = x[b];
        x[b] = tmp;
        b = x[(x[a] + x[b]) & 0xff];
        y[i] ^= b;

On the crypto hunch, I started reading random wikipedia pages, until I stumbled across the pseudocode on the RC4 page. Aha! This is RC4 with a key of 0xdeadbeef. I never guessed RC4 was so simple.

At this point, I had this whole block of code figured out, could run it fully in my C variant, but knew I needed ciphertext to go at the end of the program and didn't know where to find it. Asking the internet gave me the hint to look inside the image file with the code dump, and the rest was easy to figure out.

Solving the puzzle yields a link to a javascript page where you are to write a virtual machine and run it to reveal the next stage. I implemented the machine in Python but it still needs a bit of debugging to give up its secret.

I can nearly crack it

The GCHQ (that’s British for NSA) has been running a marketing gimmick to find new people to read your tweets. On this website, you will find an enigmatic hexdump, and a prompt for a keyword. Supposedly if you get it correct, then you get forwarded to their job site. I don’t care about the job aspect, but I do enjoy a good puzzle.

I’ll add my details and methodology in a follow-up post after the clock runs out, so as not to spoil anything for casual readers who want to take their own look. There are a few good clues in the hexdump if you have previously spent any time looking at real ones.

I did (almost) crack it: I figured out all there was to know about the hexdump. It became clear at that point that the hexes on the website aren’t everything you need for the puzzle, so I cheated to find the missing piece (somewhat obvious, in retrospect). A neat exercise, and I learned something about cryptography.

Now I’m on the second stage, which is a bit more straightforward in that the problem statement tells you what type of answer is expected.

I’m curious to know if this type of recruitment tool is actually useful in finding qualified applicants, or just in generating buzz. Certainly several companies I’ve worked at have had their share of recruiting woes, and dreaming up a set of screening puzzles has to be more fun than dealing with headhunters.

Bare-bones time tracker

Lifehacker is always suggesting super-complicated GUI applications for keeping track of one’s billing hours or making todo lists. Here’s my 10-minute solution that I’ve been using for a while — ~/bin/wl:

#! /bin/bash
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
    cat ~/docs/worklog.`date +%Y-%m`
    (d=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`; echo "$d" $@)>> ~/docs/worklog.`date +%Y-%m`

I use it like this:

$ wl something goes here
$ wl tkt 192323 - remove n**2 loop from the frobnicator
$ wl
2011-11-04 09:55:56 something goes here
2011-11-04 09:56:07 tkt 192323 - remove n**2 loop from the frobnicator

I also sometimes start a log message with a single upper-case or symbol character to indicate something else; e.g., “^” means start of a block of time, “$” means end, “T” means todo, etc. It isn’t perfect — sometimes you have to escape shell meta-characters, but it beats using a mouse, and the backing format is plain old text so grep/vi/etc still work.