Halloween, 2014 ed.

2014 Halloween CostumesI believe I added just enough blog posts this year that there are not two years’ Halloween posts on the front page at the same time. That would be sad.

Alex told me in September that October was his favorite month of the year, “because Halloween.” And every day for the last few weeks, he would ask, “is it Halloween today?” I can only hope that this year’s candy crawl met his expectations. He went as Captain America, a decision that was entirely his own. Ian went as a penguin, or at least he wore parts of his penguin costume throughout the night, rarely all at once.

2014 PumpkinsFor jack-o-lanterns we went with a space theme this year: a space shuttle on one and Kodos on the other. I tried etching rather than carving but I couldn’t get the technique down, so I wound up carving for the most part. One fun addition, albeit short-lived, was the use of sparklers instead of LED candles as lighting. Next year we’ll use rocket engines.