It’s always rainy in Philadelphia

Well, because the last trip was such a success (rained out ballgame), this Saturday a few of us are heading back to Philly to cash in the raincheck. Here’s hoping we have enough time for a wiz wit (and of course to soak up all the culture that PA has to offer.)

In other news, I have a new laptop. After getting pissed at my Dell for its recent habit of turning itself off whenever it feels like it (hmm, just like my old Sony!), I picked up an Intel MacBook. Yep, my IQ points are already receding. First thoughts — OSX is pretty cool but I probably won’t use it much: better than hockey pucks but still too graphical for a real Unix user.

I installed ubuntu on the other half of the hard drive, and discovered an interesting failure mode of the use-sudo/no-root-password mindset. If you change the hostname (via vi /etc/hostname) without updating the hosts file, you’re screwed: sudo won’t work anymore so you have to boot single user mode to fix it. Ubuntu is a slightly more polished debian, but some things grate: ‘nano’ as the default text editor? Icky.

The mac keyboard needs some work. No PgUp/Dn, Caps lock is huge and frequently triggered, Backspace is called Delete. A little xmodmap and it’s not so bad though.

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