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Spook by Mary Roach. 4 stars. I believe Stiff was a notch funnier, but Spook doesn’t disappoint. Roach turns a skeptic’s eye on the afterlife and various occult shenanigans. Loses half a point for fart jokes.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. 4 stars. This novel reminds me of my youth,
growing up as a member of the experimental group in a controlled scientific

The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas. 3 stars. Don’t quite see the magic in this book of swashbuckledom. The Count of Monte Cristo was much better. D’Artagnan was a man slut.

Marathon Man by William Goldman. 2.5 stars. From the author of the Princess Bride comes an altogether unengaging spy novel, complete with cartoonish Nazi supervillains. The Dustin Hoffman movie of same might be better.