A few things I have learned from driving in a state with a crazy high number of personalized license plates:
- Just in case people can’t recognize the make and model of your car, the license plate is a great place for a helpful reminder. Oh, it’s an M3, I couldn’t tell from the branding trim all over your ride! (Yes, someone has YUGO.) Include the color too; you never know when someone might be colorblind.
- People who have QT, HOT T, or SXC somewhere in their license plate aren’t.
- I still don’t know what PIXPOO means, nor do I really want to.
- There are lots of assholes on the road. Not that that has anything to do with license plates, just saying.
I think there should be a subversive movement of low self-esteem license plates. Put out your basic insecurities for all to see. Instead of QT, why not SO FUGLY? IM DUMB? Or, if you are quite secure in yourself, let people know just how much: HUGE EGO. All of these plates are available right now in the state of Virginia!
Heh. Well at least that’s slightly more clever than BLU 50 on a cobalt mustang.