Free books

On a whim I bought EFFer and BoingBoinger Cory D’s Eastern Standard Tribe when I saw it in a local bookstore. It was actually much better than I had expected, after that really bad excerpt from his next book. So I read EST in dead tree form, and I liked it! Of course one neat thing about Cory’s novels is that he releases them under various Creative Commons licenses, so you can download them at no charge if you are so inclined. After finishing up EST, I downloaded and read Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, which is a novella-length Disney commercial masquerading as SF. Not good, but at least I didn’t pay for it. The book does have the distinction of being only the second book I’ve read entirely in electronic form (the first: Animal Farm).

Saw Sin City over the weekend. Probably one of the best conversions of a comic book to film. And don’t call it a graphic novel kids, you aren’t fooling anyone. The movie is violent, but all the blood is in black and white, which curiously didn’t affect me whereas Kill Bill made me queasy.

Google maps: now with satellite imagery!