
I am slowly painting my bedroom. Sunday night I did the wall prep, taping, and a coat of primer. Last night I painted half of the walls. That is, two entire walls, not the top or bottom half of four walls. The silvery blue color looks pretty good dried, and most importantly, it covers the lovely heart-laced border. In the meantime, I’m sleeping in the guest bedroom. It’s fun: like going on vacation without really going on vacation and still having to go to work.

After one official night of play in the tournament, my bracket is sad. Including the play-in, I am 10-8 (one loss next round for Pitt). One 5-12 was already an upset; the other three games happen today including the all-important GW-GT. Should be exciting. I’ll be updating my earlier post to reflect missed guesses, not that it really matters since I’m not in any pools.

Yesterday was St. Patrick’s day. My people appreciate your drunken perpetuation of stereotypes.