Constantly folded

I was poking around with the disassembler the other day, which is never a good idea. One of the things I looked at was the following bit in the RX hotpath for ath5k:

rxs->qual = rs.rs_rssi * 100 / 35;

Now, that’s not a very significant calculation, and I doubt it will show up in profiles, but divides automatically trigger my “can we do better?” reflex. I was interested to see how gcc compiled this, because we have division by a constant, but we first have to multiply by a variable due to order of operations.

We can generally remove a division by multiplying by its reciprocal. Interestingly, gcc already does that. I couldn’t quite puzzle out all of the steps, but here’s the disassembly with my best guess:

; multiply eax by 100, store in ecx
 80483d0:	6b c8 64             	imul   $0x64,%eax,%ecx

; load (32 / 35) * 2**32 into edx
 80483d3:	ba eb a0 0e ea       	mov    $0xea0ea0eb,%edx

; multiply 100 * argc by 32/35 and store in edx:eax
 80483d8:	89 c8                	mov    %ecx,%eax
 80483da:	f7 ea                	imul   %edx

; take top 32 bits of result in edx (when sign extended, the
; complement of the final answer?) and add it back to the numerator
 80483dc:	8d 04 0a             	lea    (%edx,%ecx,1),%eax
 80483df:	89 c2                	mov    %eax,%edx

; divide by 32 to remove pre-multiply
 80483e1:	c1 fa 05             	sar    $0x5,%edx

; subtract one if we need to round
 80483e4:	89 c8                	mov    %ecx,%eax
 80483e6:	c1 f8 1f             	sar    $0x1f,%eax
 80483e9:	29 c2                	sub    %eax,%edx

So then I went hunting for the constant folding code in gcc, and there are all kinds of tricks like this. Very neat. Along the way I also found a link to the book Hacker’s Delight, now wish-listed.

In the original code, the denominator is a bit arbitrary, we could pick a different number that is more amenable to shifts and adds and save a multiply, but it’s hardly worth it.