Ever mindful of fire safety, I’ve had a full propane canister (the small blowtorch size) rattling around in the back of my trunk for two and a half years. Luckily our car never decided to explode, but just in case, I’ve decided to finally use up the fuel.
Since I plan to never do any sort of plumbing again, the natural application for my blowtorch flame is on food, specifically crème brûlée. So I baked up some custard in my soup bowls, tossed some sugar on top, and burnt that bad boy.

The problem is these torches really only work well upright, so you wind up having to bring the food to the flame rather than the other way around. I did at least have my fire extinguisher at the ready in case a wall decided to ignite. The smoke detector only went off once.

Our tasters were split on the outcome. Ange really liked it. I thought the custard was a bit too eggy, but that could be the recipe or personal taste. As I’m not a big CB eater, I don’t really have much to compare it to. It looked good, though.
Next up, fire grilled cheese?