
Engagement ring
Originally uploaded by bluesterror.

Here’s the pretty present I gave to Angeline yesterday. Yes, that’s right, I’m soon to be among the few people on earth to have both code in the Linux kernel, and a wife.

She came over to my house after work, where I had candles burning and a half dozen roses in hand. Then I produced the ring box, knelt, and popped the question, to an enthusiastic ‘yes!’

She knew it was coming so it wasn’t a huge surprise, but I kept dinner secret, so she was thrilled when we showed up at Galileo for dinner. There, we enjoyed a three course meal that was delicious, though skimpy (we skipped the pasta course which is probably why I’m starving this morning). Angeline had candied beet salad, breaded sea bass for the entree, and three kinds of chocolate for dessert, while I partook of the grilled tuna salad, three kinds of rabbit, and three kinds of gelato. Marvelous, but still needs work to match up to Five Guys.

So far no concrete plans have been made regarding dates, venues and all that but I’m sure I’ll blog about various wedding minutiae in the year to come.

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