A nice complement to my recently manifested build-lust, I found in my mailbox on Friday the first issue of MAKE magazine. First impression: it is like a print version of BoingBoing. All your favorite writers are there: Messrs. Doctorow and Frauenfelder, that chick who always talks about herself or semi-famous people she knows, and that David guy. And the writing styles are pretty familiar; for example Cory D’s submission turns a cool article about kids taking apart cheap toy dogs into some kind of anti-Sony IP polemic. Along with articles detailing student projects taking place in various university labs, the mag contains four DIY projects ranging from the overly simplistic (making an ethernet cable) to some soldering skill required (make a magstripe reader). If you are currently a thorough consumer of the internet, you will probably have seen some of the content before, such as the cheap steady cam built with pipes. But on the whole, it’s a solid zine, and for now it lacks the page after page of ad copy that makes reading Wired or pretty much any other tech mag especially tiresome. Worth the price of admission.